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Дніпропетровський національний університет ім. О. Гончара, вид-во "Ліра"
Розглянуто загальний стан домашньої освіти та підготовки домашніх учителів, а також регіональні особливості її розвитку у Катеринославській губернії як провідному промисловому регіоні. Рассмотрено общее состояние домашнего образования и подготовки домашних учителей, а также региональные особенности его развития в Екатеринославской губернии как ведущем промышленном регионе. The subject matter of the article is home education and preparation of home teachers, and also regional features of its development, is in Katerynoslav province, one of the leading industrial regions. The first educational establishments, with preparation of home teachers, were gymnasia. Home teachers who worked in gymnasiums graduated from different educational establishments: such as Odesa, Poltava, Kharkiv and Moscow Catherine institutes for noble maidens, Moscow Mykolaiv institute, Kyiv women’s gymnasium. The graduating students of gymnasium became the teachers of province. According to statistics, they constituted a majority of teachers. Girls, getting the position of home teacher, were orientated on work at mass schools, in particular, rural, because of the great need, but not in private houses. Analyzing the present lists of graduating students of Diocese schools it is possible to trace the dynamics of increasing of amount of home teachers. Some graduating students finished school studies closed in a sixth grade. They got only a certificate about education but, certificate of home teacher was not given to them. Such difference can be seen, comparing the lists of sixth gra (they were given as exhaust) and seventh which gave primary pedagogical education. Development of home education in Katerynoslav province, one of the leading industrial regions, had own specific. There was not an institute for noble maidens, educational establishment for elite nobility education. Gymnasiums which appeared only in the middle of 19th century, are characterized by democracy. Was equal amount of noblemen, officials, petty bourgeois, artisans, who studied there? The developed school system provided an employment opportune for home teachers. The two diocese schools contributed to development of primary education in rural, because pupils returned home and participated in pedagogical activity.
Ключові слова
домашня освіта, учителі, Катеринославська губернія, домашнее образование, учителя, Екатеринославская губерния, home education, the teachers, Katerynoslav province
Яковенко Г. Г. Домашні учительки та їх підготовка в Катеринославській губернії / Г. Г. Яковенко // Наддніпрянська Україна : історичні процеси, події, постаті : зб. наук. пр. / Дніпропетр. нац. ун-т ім. О. Гончара, Каф. історії України ; редкол.: Світленко С. І. (відп. ред.) та ін. – Дніпропетровськ : Ліра, 2014. – Вип. 12. – С. 169–178.