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Національний музей історії України у Другій світовій війні. Меморіальний комплекс, Ін-т історії України НАН України
Проаналізовано історію створення та бойовий шлях інтернаціонального військового формування ‒ 1-го окремого Чехословацького піхотного батальйону під командуванням Людвіка Свободи, що діяв на території СРСР у складі Робітничо-селянської Червоної Армії в 1942‒1943 рр., його участь у Харківській оборонній операції 19 лютого ‒ 14 березня 1943 р. Уточнено кількісний та етнічний склад батальйону, чисельність загиблих добровольців у боях за с. Соколове 8‒13 березня 1943 р. Проанализировано историю создания и боевой путь интернационального военного формирования – 1-го отдельного Чехословацкого пехотного батальона под командованием Людвика Свободы, действовавшего на территории СССР в составе Рабоче-крестьянской Красной Армии в 1942–1943 гг., его участие в Харьковской оборонительной операции 19 февраля – 14 марта 1943 г. Уточнено количественный и этнический состав батальона, численность погибших добровольцев в боях за с. Соколово 8‒13 марта 1943 г. The history of international military formations, for example the Polish Army of General Vladislav Anders, the 1st Polish Infantry Division named after Tadeusz Kosciuszko, the 1st Separate Czechoslovak Infantry Battalion that were formed on the territory of the USSR during the World War II and fought in the Workers’ and Peasants’ Red Army isn’t a well-studied problem of military history. The article is devoted to the analysis of the military way of the international military formation, the 1st Separate Czechoslovak Infantry Battalion under the command of Ludvik Svobodа, which was operating on the territory of the USSR in the composition of the Workers’ and Peasants’ Red Army in 1942–1943, and its participation in the Kharkiv defensive operation on February 19th – March 14th, 1943. General scientific and special historical methods of research have been used by the author. After the signing of the Munich Agreement on September 29th, 1938 the group of Czechoslovak politicians, led by Edward Benes, formed in exile the overseas center of resistance to restore the statehood of the republic ‒ the Czechoslovak Provisional Government in exile. The 1st Separate Czechoslovak Battalion was formed in February 1942 in Buzuluk of Orenburg region on the basis of the Soviet-Czechoslovak Treaty on joint actions against Nazi Germany on the territory of the USSR. The battalion included troops of the former Czechoslovak Legion in Poland, Czechoslovak refugees who found refuge in the Soviet territory, as well as Soviet citizens, Czechs and Slovaks by ethnic origin. The battalion personnel was dressed in English uniform, had Czechoslovak military titles and was armed with Soviet small arms. The battalion obeyed the Czechoslovak government in emigration in organizational matters and the highest command of the Soviet military units in the operational matters. The colonel of Czechoslovak Army Ludvik Svoboda has led it. At the beginning of March in 1943 the Czechoslovak battalion was included in the 3rd Panzer Army of the Voronezh Front, transferred to the operational subordination of the 25th Guards Infantry Division and directed to one of the most important sections of the front in the southwestern approaches to Kharkiv. The battalion took up the defensive positions on the northern shore of the Mzha River between Merefa and Zmiyiv and received the task to prevent crossing the river by the forces of the Wehrmacht. The village Sokolovo on the southern riverbank became the key defense point for the battalion, which was defended by the 1st infantry company under the command of the supra officer Otakar Yarosh. Leading heroic defense on March 8th – 13th, 1943 the 1st Separate Czechoslovak Battalion held the occupied frontier, after it was taken to the reserve of the Voronezh Front. The conclusions about the battle and historical tragedy of the foreign, multicultural military formation the 1st Separate Czechoslovak Battalion was a component part of the tragic completion of the Kharkiv defense operation on February 19th ‒ March 14th, 1943 have been made by the author. The third battle for Kharkiv showed strategic and tactical faults of the Soviet command, high combat effectiveness of the Wehrmacht, which led to the defeat of the Soviet and Czechoslovak troops and the encirclement near Lozova, Kharkiv, Zmiyiv, Chuguyiv. However the well-coordinated military operations of the 1st Separate Czechoslovak Battalion together with the 25th and 62d Guards Infantry Divisions, the personal courage and heroism of the Czechoslovak volunteers helped the troops of the Voronezh Front to win time that the troops of the Central Front and the 60th Army could approach the Siversky Donets. The Czechoslovak volunteers together with the Red Army units fulfilled their combat mission. As a result of research the quantitative and ethnic composition of the battalion and the number of dead volunteers in the battles on March 8th – 13th, 1943 for the village Sokolovo have been clarified. The study of the history of international military formations which were created in the Soviet territory, the research of hostilities in March 1943 in the context of oral history, biography studies, daily history, ethnic history has further developed.
Ключові слова
інтернаціональне військове формування, 1-й окремий Чехословацький піхотний батальйон, Харківська оборонна операція, добровольці, интернациональное военное формирование, 1-й отдельный Чехословацкий пехотный батальон, Харьковская оборонительная операция, добровольцы, Workers’ and Peasants’ Red Army, international military formation, 1st Separate Czechoslovak Infantry Battalion, Kharkiv defensive operation, volunteers
Ямпольська Л. М. 1-й окремий Чехословацький піхотний батальйон як інтернаціональне формування у складі Робітничо-селянської Червоної армії у 1942‒1943 рр. : історія створення та бойовий шлях / Л. М. Ямпольська // Військово-історичний меридіан : електрон. наук. фах. журн. / Нац. музей іст. Укр. у Другій світовій війні. Мемор. комплекс, Ін-т іст. Укр. НАН України. – Київ : Ін-т іст. Укр., 2019. – Вип. 2 (24). – С. 71‒86.