Концепт Я (EGO) в змістових центрах поета Івана Перепеляка

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Харківський національний педагогічний університет імені Г. С. Сковороди
У статті розглянуто тексти поетичних творів відомого українського письменника Івана Перепеляка, самобутнього представника Слобожанщини, малодосліджені в аспекті когнітивної лінгвістики. У розвідці вперше здійснено спробу розглянути реалізацію концепту Я (EGO) в мовній картині світу І. Перепеляка. З’ясовано семантико-аксіологічні характеристики концепту Я (EGO), встановлено його багатогранну інтерпретаційну палітру, що демонструє загальномовне етнокультурне підґрунтя та авторську моральнофілософську модель «ЛЮДИНА – СВІТ». The article considers the texts of poetic works of the famous Ukrainian writer Ivan Perepeliak, an original representative of Slobozhanshchyna, who was compared to Hryhorii Skovoroda because of the philosophical richness of his works. His original linguistic thinking appears as a kind of authentic phenomenon, but the idiosyncrasy of the famous poet has not been fully studied yet. In the study, the attempt to consider the implementation of the concept “I” (EGO) in Ivan Perepeliak’s linguistic picture of the world has been made for the first time. The study of Ivan Perepeliak’s artistic and linguistic universe convinces that his work is the basis for various interpretations and decoding of authorial meanings, which are relevant for modern Ukrainians and important for future readers as well. Therefore, it requires detailed diverse studies, in particular in the aspect of cognitive linguistics. Identity and self-sufficiency represented in the author’s language world, where the interpretation of the concept “I” was reflected in the discovery of new poetic worlds, in organic relationship with the native land, Cossack ancestry, in the bosom of deep historical and national memory. The semantic and axiological characteristics of the concept “I” (EGO) have been clarified, its multifaceted interpretive palette has been established, which demonstrates the ethnocultural basis and the author’s moral of philosophical model “MAN – WORLD”. Ivan Perepeliak’s linguistic picture of the world is inextricably linked with the artist’s sense of personal states, with the understanding of his participation in the continuous development of mankind, nature, the country, the universe, etc. Probably, this is the appeal of his linguistic style, rich in individual authorial images, marked by sincere support for the fate of the region, Motherland, the world, and interest in it. Conceptualization of “I” primarily contributes to the realization of the author’s position on life values, the historical fate of his Motherland, Ukraine, the world and the rapprochement of “I” with the image of the lyrical hero.
Ключові слова
концепт, мовна картина світу, семантико-аксіологічні характеристики, Я (EGO), інтерпретація, Перепеляк Іван, concept, linguistic picture of the world, semantic and axiological characteristics, I (EGO), interpretation, Perepeliak Ivan
Горенко В. М. Концепт Я (EGO) в змістових центрах поета Івана Перепеляка / В. М. Горенко // Лінгвістичні дослідження : зб. наук. пр. / Харків. нац. пед. ун-т ім. Г. С. Сковороди. – Харків, 2021. – Вип. 55. – С. 91–104. – DOI: https://doi.org/10.34142/231 27546.2021.55.09