Українські фразеологізми з компонентом все

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Харківський національний педагогічний університет імені Г. С. Сковороди
Мета статті – дослідження вербалізації поняття “все” на матеріалі українських фразеологізмів. Виокремлено фразеологічні одиниці з компонентом “все”, що позначають повноту; класифіковано фразеологізми з компонентами-соматизмами, з компонентами-числівниками, фразеологізми з одиницями тематичного поля “простір”. Розглянуто структуру, семантику, стилістичне маркування та конотації фразеологізмів. Результати проведеного лінгвістичного аналізу дають підстави для уточнення змісту поняття “все”, що може бути використано для подальших досліджень у когнітивістиці. The relevance of the study is due to the need to deepen the integration of the achievements of Ukrainian language and culture into the World Cultural Foundation. Modern cognitive science singles out universals, among which is the concept “all”; however, in Ukrainian studies there is no holistic description of the means of representation of this generally significant concept. The purpose of the article is to study the verbalization of the concept “all” on the basis of Ukrainian phraseological units. The tasks of the article are: 1) to highlight phraseological units (PU) with the component “all”, denoting completeness; 2) to classify PU by the presence of other components; 3) to carry out a linguistic analysis of PU; 4) to systematize the obtained results to clarify the content of the concept “all”. The solution of at least a part of the overall problem allows, from the standpoint of anthropomorphism, to deepen the characterization of the lexical system of Ukrainian language, which can be used in compiling phraseological dictionaries of Ukrainian language, ideographic dictionaries, cultural commentaries. A descriptive method, a method of component analysis, and an interpretation method were used in the process of extracting and analysing speech material and to summarize the results of the study. Based on the analysis of phraseological units with the component all, three most numerous groups were distinguished: PU with somatic components, PU with numeral components, PU with units of the thematic field “space”. According to the traditional classification, most of these phraseological units are phraseological combinations (phraseological expressions) and phraseological unities (phrasemes); idioms include special cases. The component all and its forms in these phraseological units denotes completeness, a set of phenomena, an increased course of actions, the highest degree of manifestation of quality. In some cases, this component may be absent, but the semantics of completeness in such phraseological units is still preserved. The most numerous are the groups of phraseological units with components-somatisms (head, eyes, mouth, tongue, ears, lip, throat, blood, intestines) and PU, which denote mental and moral qualities of a person, his or her emotional state (with the components heart, soul, mind, thoughts, dreams). In phraseological units with numeral components, the numeral four is the most common. The composition of phraseological units of the thematic field ‘space’ is complemented by the components ends, winds, parts, sides, entrances, exits; in many of them, connotative meanings are attached to spatial coordinates. All the above-mentioned components of phraseological units, together with the component all, represent the concept ‘completeness’, expanding and supplementing its meaning. Stylistic marking and connotation testify to the active inclusion of the pronoun all and its forms in the structure of phraseological units, which gives them additional colouring and evaluative depth. The study of this group of Ukrainian phraseological units allows us to characterize and detail the content of the concept “completeness”, which significantly expands the idea of universals.
Ключові слова
когнітивістика, поняття “все”, фразеологізм, компонент-соматизм, компонент-числівник, одиниці тематичного поля “простір”, cognitive science, the concept “all”, phraseological unit, component-somatism, component-numeral, units of the thematic field “space”
Даниленко Ю. А. Українські фразеологізми з компонентом все / Ю. А. Даниленко // Лінгвістичні дослідження. – Харків, 2023. – Вип. 58. – С. 161–173.