Еволюція категорії споживання в класичних і посткласичних соціологічних теоріях
dc.contributor.author | Горбачов, А. В. | |
dc.date.accessioned | 2018-11-14T08:33:21Z | |
dc.date.available | 2018-11-14T08:33:21Z | |
dc.date.issued | 2016-08-31 | |
dc.description.abstract | У статті досліджено особливості концепцій та еволюцію поглядів на споживання в теоріях класиків соціології, таких як М. Вебер, Г. Зіммель, В. Зомбарт і Т. Веблен. Розглянуто теорії споживання сучасних науковців: Ж. Бодріяра, П. Бурдьє та С. Майлза. У них найбільш яскраво виявляється розуміння споживання та побудова системи споживання в суспільстві в характерну для цих теорій історичну епоху. На основі цих даних ми можемо побудувати систему еволюції споживання та його розуміння від минулого до сьогодення. В статье рассматриваются особенности концепций и эволюция взглядов на потребление в теориях классиков социологии, таких как Макс Вебер, Георг Зиммель, Вернер Зомбарт и Торстейн Веблен. А также теории потребления современных ученых: Жана Бодрияра, Пьера Бурдье и Стивена Майлза. В этих теориях наиболее ярко проявляется понимание потребления и построение системы потребления в обществе в характерную для этих теорий историческую эпоху. На основе этих данных мы можем построить систему эволюции потребления и его понимание от прошлого к настоящему. Since XX century, the study of consumption as a special social phenomenon becomes very relevant for all social Sciences. The transition of Western society in the postmodern era (mid-1970s), the related sociocultural and economic characteristics, and as a result, the changing nature of consumption, its functions and place in society – all this became the impetus for some of the brightest manifestation of the phenomenon of consumption in society. Interest in this category is manifested in the study of such aspects of consumption, like fashion, patterns of consumption, culture of consumption within a certain lifestyle; the nature of social relations that are reproduced and developed in the process of consumption of material, spiritual and social benefits that form the welfare. Sociology seen consumption as a social and socio-psychological phenomenon, as a sphere of socialization, formation of social norms, values and culture. Here focus the relationships between people, which is why it attracts the attention of sociologists. The first attempts to develop the theory of consumption we link to several key figures in the social science of XIX-XX centuries. Because the economic situation of the society is constantly changing, understanding and forms of consumption pass into other forms and manifestations. Change the positions of the various population groups in the economic hierarchy influences the formation of consumer behavior at all levels of life in society. Accordingly, in the society there is a need for detailed study and conceptual understanding of the entities, conditions and factors of the formation of this phenomenon, the differentiation of society based on the consumption of material goods in society, the impact on the fabric of society. Studies of consumption, for today, of a practical nature than a theoretical one. That is, sociologists study the consumption for marketing or for analysis of consumption in a particular region or locality. While the study of consumption and consumer behavior at the theoretical level are, missing or they are not well known. Discusses the features of the concepts and the evolution of consumption in the theories of the classical sociologists such as Max Weber, Georg Zimmel, Werner Zombart and Torstein Veblen. As well as in the theories of modern scientists: Jean Baudrillard, Pierre Bourdieu and Stephen Miles. In these theories, the most pronounced understanding of consumption and the construction of a system of consumption in society as a characteristic of these theories of history. Because of these data we can build a system the evolution of consumption and understanding from past to present. We roughly divided periods of study the category of "consumption" on the classical and the modern period. The first period we characterized as social science itself, and the definition of the research field. After analyzing the majority of theories of this period, you can see that they are based on other scientific disciplines (philosophy, biology, physics, Economics and others), but not deepen them. Therefore, the category "consumption" in some sociological theories we can found, but in the beginning, scientists was not call it. The second phase of the study of consumption – the modern period we characterized by the interest of sociologists to the consumption and the emergence of new directions in sociology - the sociology of consumption. To this direction belong not only modern scholars-sociologists, but also by the classics of sociology who came to the position of the theory of consumption. | uk_UA.UTF-8 |
dc.identifier.citation | Горбачов А. В. Еволюція категорії споживання в класичних і посткласичних соціологічних теоріях / А. В. Горбачов // Соціальні технології : актуальні проблеми теорії та практики : зб. наук. пр. / Класич. приват. ун-т. – Запоріжжя : КПУ, 2016. – Вип. 71. – С. 15–21. | uk_UA.UTF-8 |
dc.identifier.uri | http://dspace.hnpu.edu.ua/handle/123456789/1821 | |
dc.language.iso | uk | uk_UA.UTF-8 |
dc.publisher | Класичний приватний університет, м. Запоріжжя | uk_UA.UTF-8 |
dc.subject | споживання | uk_UA.UTF-8 |
dc.subject | суспільство | uk_UA.UTF-8 |
dc.subject | мода | uk_UA.UTF-8 |
dc.subject | блага | uk_UA.UTF-8 |
dc.subject | потребление | uk_UA.UTF-8 |
dc.subject | общество | uk_UA.UTF-8 |
dc.subject | мода | uk_UA.UTF-8 |
dc.subject | блага | uk_UA.UTF-8 |
dc.subject | consumption | uk_UA.UTF-8 |
dc.subject | society | uk_UA.UTF-8 |
dc.subject | fashion | uk_UA.UTF-8 |
dc.subject | good | uk_UA.UTF-8 |
dc.title | Еволюція категорії споживання в класичних і посткласичних соціологічних теоріях | uk_UA.UTF-8 |
dc.title.alternative | Эволюция категории потребления в классических и постклассических социологических теориях | uk_UA.UTF-8 |
dc.title.alternative | The evolution of the consumption categories in the classical and postclassical sociological theories | uk_UA.UTF-8 |
dc.type | Article | uk_UA.UTF-8 |
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