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Харківський національний педагогічний університет імені Г. С. Сковороди
Здійснено правовий аналіз норм чинного законодавства України, які регулюють правовий статус асоційованих членів сільськогосподарського кооперативу. Визначено недоліки, які містяться в положеннях норм чинного законодавства, що закріплюють правовий статус асоційованих членів сільськогосподарського кооперативу. Зосереджено увагу на наявності проблемних питань реалізації асоційованими членами сільськогосподарського кооперативу свого правового статусу через недоліки в нормах чинного законодавства та запропоновано способи їх вирішення. Зазначено необхідність вдосконалення норм чинного законодавства, зокрема чинного Закону України «Про сільськогосподарську кооперацію». A legal analysis of the norms of the current legislation of Ukraine, which regulate the legal status of the associated members of the agricultural cooperative, was carried out. Deficiencies contained in the provisions of the current legislation establishing the legal status of associated members of the agricultural cooperative have been identified. Attention is focused on the existence of problematic issues of implementation by the associated members of the agricultural cooperative of their legal status due to deficiencies in the norms of the current legislation, and methods of their solution are proposed. The need to improve the norms of the current legislation, in particular the current Law "On Agricultural Cooperation", is indicated. As a result of the conducted research, it was determined the need for the legislator to pay attention to the problematic issues of the implementation of their legal status by the associated members of the agricultural cooperative, and the prospects for further investigations in this direction and the need to improve the norms of the current legislation, which establish the legal status of the associated members of the agricultural cooperative, were indicated. The legal analysis carried out identified the main shortcomings of the legal status of the associated members of the agricultural cooperative, which require legislative changes, and the conclusions formed in the process and as a result of the study indicate possible ways of improving the norms of the current legislation to bring the legal status of the associated membership in the agricultural cooperative to the possibility for them to realize their rights and protect legitimate interests in the relations they enter into with the cooperative as its associate member for the purpose of making investments in the agricultural sphere of activity. In the course of the study, the provisions of the norms of the Federal Law "On Agricultural Cooperation" were determined, which narrow the rights of associated members, and in some cases limit them in general due to the irregularity of the procedure for the exercise of the right of an advisory vote by the associated members and the procedure for appealing the violation of their right to the officials and the higher management body of the cooperative. Taking into account the formulated conclusions, the considered problems require a more indepth study and have prospects for their further solution. After all, it is necessary to add joint efforts and proposals of scientists, the public, representatives of agricultural cooperation and legislative bodies of state power to the specified problem.
Ключові слова
сільськогосподарська кооперація, асоційоване членство, дорадчий голос, вклад та додатковий вклад, права та обов’язки асоційованого члена, дивіденди, agricultural cooperation, associate membership, advisory vote, contribution and additional contribution, rights and obligations of an associate member, dividends
Лисяк О. І. Правовий аналіз проблемних питань реалізації правового статусу асоційованими членами сільськогосподарського кооперативу / О. І. Лисяк // Збірник наукових праць Харківського національного педагогічного університету імені Г. С. Сковороди. Сер. : Право. – Харків, 2022. – Вип. 36. – С. 58–68.