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Харківський національний педагогічний університет імені Г. С. Сковороди
Розглянуто деякі проблемні питання удосконалення системи норм чинного законодавства в аграрному секторі України. Здійснено правовий аналіз окремих проблемних питань та запропоновано способи їх вирішення. Наголошено на необхідності удосконалення законодавства України, що регулює правовідносини в аграрному секторі права. Окрему увагу приділено питанню кодифікації правових норм, що регулюють правовідносини у сфері аграрного права та систематизації аграрного законодавства. Some problematic issues of improving the system of current legislation in the agricultural sector of Ukraine are considered. The legal analysis of such separate problem questions is carried out and the ways of their decision are offered. Emphasis is placed on the need to improve the legislation of Ukraine regulating legal relations in the agricultural sector of law. Special attention is paid to the issue of codification of legal norms regulating legal relations in the field of agrarian law and systematization of agrarian legislation. The purpose of this scientific article is the need to justify the importance and relevance of improving the system of current legislation in the agricultural sector of Ukraine, in particular, by systematizing and codifying these rules. Improving the system of current legislation of Ukraine in the agricultural sector of the economy at the same time has led to a significant accumulation of legislation and the difficulty of monitoring it by the subjects of agrarian relations. On the one hand, it is fair to note that the existence of a large number of regulations is due to the need to facilitate and streamline the activities of agricultural law entities. On the other hand, the current regulations, due to lack of proper systematization, do not allow the subjects of agrarian relations to fully regulate their activities in accordance with current legislation due to the fact that it is very difficult to track their relevance and relationship. In addition, due to the fact that such regulations are adopted individually and inconsistently, very often in practice there are conflicts that do not allow farmers to make the only correct and reasonable decision in their activities, which, in turn, leads to offenses. The conducted legal analysis allows us to conclude that the activity of streamlining and improving the system of current legislation of the agricultural sector of Ukraine is aimed at uniting them into one integral unit to ensure their unity in the regulation of agrarian relations. The main form of systematization of the norms of the current legislation of the agricultural sector is their codification. The conclusion of this study is the need to adopt a single codified normative act in the form of a code. This form of systematization of agrarian law will contribute to the active legal regulation of relations in the field of economic activity of agrarian law. The adoption of the code will ensure a single legislative and legal regulation of the activities of the subjects of agrarian relations, which will contribute to the proper provision of food security in Ukraine. Thus, the considered problems require more in-depth research and have prospects for further research. After all, the codification of the system of norms of the current legislation of agrarian law should be carried out carefully and consistently. Joint efforts and proposals of scientists, the public, public authorities and other stakeholders should be included in this problem.
Ключові слова
сільськогосподарське підприємство, аграрне законодавство, аграрний сектор, кодифікація правових норм, систематизація аграрного законодавства, agricultural enterprise, agrarian legislation, agrarian sector, codification of legal norms, systematization of agrarian legislation
Лисяк О. І. Правовий аналіз деяких проблемних питань удосконалення системи норм чинного законодавства в аграрному секторі Україні / О. І. Лисяк // Збірник наукових праць Харківського національного педагогічного університету імені Г. С. Сковороди. Сер. : Право. – Харків, 2022. – Вип. 35. – С. 121–126.