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- ДокументВизначення споживання в українській соціологічній традиції(Класичний приватний університет, м. Запоріжжя, 2017-05-31) Горбачов, А. В.У статті досліджено особливості концепцій та поглядів на споживання в теоріях українських соціологів, таких як І. Франко, М. Туган-Барановський, С. Дністрянський. Розглянуто теорії споживання сучасних українських науковців, таких як Я. Зоська, Т. Петрушина, Є. Суїменко, В. Тарасенко та ін. Завдяки аналізу їх теоретичного надбання можна надати визначення категорії «споживання» в українській соціологічній традиції. В статье исследованы особенности концепций и взглядов на потребление в теориях украинских социологов, таких как И. Франко, М. Туган-Барановский, С. Днестровский. Рассмотрены теории потребления современных украинских ученых, таких как Я. Зоська, Т. Петрушина (Ефременко), Е. Суименко, В. Тарасенко и др. Благодаря анализу их теоретического наследия дано определение категории «потребление» в украинской социологической традиции. The current state of our sociology is determined, above all, the general situation in the country. System changes in the society originally displayed in sociology. In addition, the main problem between the society and the central problem of sociology there is a certain analogy and there is a search for identity. Ukrainian society is looking for its place in the modern world for themselves aware of who they is in the global context. Identifying the specific social practices consumption and transitional societies where consumer society is in the «embryonic» state, particularly in Ukraine and Determination of validity applying the concept «consumer society» to characterize the modern Ukrainian society is important and necessary. The current state of cultural consumption as the Ukrainian economy, politics, and social sphere can be characterized as a transition. This process began with the collapse of the USSR in the late 80’s – early 90-ies of XX century. Culture of consumption, which is typical for the state planned economies and the culture of consumption in market-oriented economies are based on opposite principles. In the first case, the relationship between the production and consumption directive set by the state. The features of the distribution determine the norms and values of consumption and consumer behavior. In a market system of secondary consumption. This sector consumption directly through the market mechanism determines the quantity and quality of product produced indirectly – trends of the productive sector. In today’s Ukraine, market mechanisms of self-regulation are not yet fully in all areas, but the way already meets consumer market types. There is a base for the formation of a new culture of consumption principle the possibility of free consumer choice within available resources. You can trace some of the trends of development. There are several important features of formation of new consumption culture in Ukraine. First of all this uncertainty directions of reform in the early 90-ies of XX century. The reforms implemented in the country not only without waste transfer model, but also even without precise ideas about how the society should be built. The destruction of elements of the old system occurred faster than the creation of the corresponding new items. This transition is accompanied by a prolonged economic crisis, hyperinflation, falling living standards. The transition period was long, and people – psychologically not ready. This creates a period in consumption of specific events. It creates a temporary consumption pattern, for example, a situation where factory workers wages are not given money and production company. Purpose of the article – to analyze the category of «consumer» on the territory of the Ukrainian Sociology. Periodization studies of consumption in Ukraine can be represented as follows: protoperiod (I. Franko, M. Tugan-Baranowski, S. Dnistryansky) during the Marxist methodology and modern times (T. Petrushyna, E. Suyimenko, J. Zoska). The first phase, phase of the basis sociology of consumption in Ukraine related to the construction of the state. Second period – the period of Marxist methodology, by its nature, is a stage of concentrating attention study of consumption within the design model of building a socialist society. The third stage – the stage today, which continues the tradition protoperiodu sociological research, but considering the theoretical basis of European sociology. This phase is characterized by a synthesis of research use in combination broader economic and ethnic studies.
- ДокументВПЛИВ ЛОБІЗМУ НА ФОРМУВАННЯ ПОЛІТИЧНОЇ ЕЛІТИ США(Харківський національний педагогічний університет імені Г. С. Сковороди, 2019) Горбачов, А. В.У статті розглядається вплив лобізму на формування політичної еліти США. Проводиться історичний та правовий аналіз становлення лобістської діяльності в США. Визначаються соціально-економічні фактори, які сприяли трансформації політичних стосунків в суспільстві та дифузії елементів ринку в політичну систему. Досліджений процес становлення нового типу еліт в США, які використовують своє матеріальне положення та лобіювання для контролю політичних процесів в країні. The article examines the impact of lobbying on the formation of the US political elite. The author conducts a historical and legal analysis of the formation of lobbying activity in the USA. The socio-economic factors contributing to the transformation of political relations in the society and the establishment of market elements in the political system are determined. An impact of lobbying on the formation of political elite was defined through the example of the US political system. The author discovers the emergence of a new type of elite in the United States, which uses their material position and lobbying to control political processes. Lobbying is now one of the most important components of modern Western politics. The role of lobbying and the associated influence of interest groups on state power is constantly increasing. Many researchers consider this process as the greatest threat to the legitimacy of democracy. In general, the dependence of the work of legislators and officials on the influence of interest groups (first of all, big business), which leads to activity of lobbyists, remains a very urgent problem for the scientific community and practitioners of political activity. It adds to the weakening of the influence of the traditional left-wing forces in the face of trade unions, which is typical for the modern political environment. Left-wing forces are more likely to expose the influence of lobbying on politics, rather than effectively resist this phenomenon. On the contrary, on the right side, politicians evaluate and perceive lobbying more positively. Under these conditions, lobbying forms new political elite in the socio-political sphere today. M. Adams, A. Bentley, B. Wool, J. Habermas, R. Dahl, M. Duverger, C. Andrew, D. Epert, A. Leipgart, M. Olson, R. Price, D. Truman, F. Schmitter, F. Stolz, J. Schumpeter and other researchers, dealt with the analysis of this problem. The article notes that lobbyism at the very beginning of its formation is seamlessly integrated into the US political system as an element of the market, and the danger of such a process was emphasized. J. Schumpeter pointed out that the main threat to capitalist market relations subject to crisis was not the economic side of the crisis such as low growth rates, inefficiency, high unemployment. All this could be overcome within the framework of the capitalist system. Other social institutions such as family, education system, etc., could be subject to crises.
- ДокументЕволюція категорії споживання в класичних і посткласичних соціологічних теоріях(Класичний приватний університет, м. Запоріжжя, 2016-08-31) Горбачов, А. В.У статті досліджено особливості концепцій та еволюцію поглядів на споживання в теоріях класиків соціології, таких як М. Вебер, Г. Зіммель, В. Зомбарт і Т. Веблен. Розглянуто теорії споживання сучасних науковців: Ж. Бодріяра, П. Бурдьє та С. Майлза. У них найбільш яскраво виявляється розуміння споживання та побудова системи споживання в суспільстві в характерну для цих теорій історичну епоху. На основі цих даних ми можемо побудувати систему еволюції споживання та його розуміння від минулого до сьогодення. В статье рассматриваются особенности концепций и эволюция взглядов на потребление в теориях классиков социологии, таких как Макс Вебер, Георг Зиммель, Вернер Зомбарт и Торстейн Веблен. А также теории потребления современных ученых: Жана Бодрияра, Пьера Бурдье и Стивена Майлза. В этих теориях наиболее ярко проявляется понимание потребления и построение системы потребления в обществе в характерную для этих теорий историческую эпоху. На основе этих данных мы можем построить систему эволюции потребления и его понимание от прошлого к настоящему. Since XX century, the study of consumption as a special social phenomenon becomes very relevant for all social Sciences. The transition of Western society in the postmodern era (mid-1970s), the related sociocultural and economic characteristics, and as a result, the changing nature of consumption, its functions and place in society – all this became the impetus for some of the brightest manifestation of the phenomenon of consumption in society. Interest in this category is manifested in the study of such aspects of consumption, like fashion, patterns of consumption, culture of consumption within a certain lifestyle; the nature of social relations that are reproduced and developed in the process of consumption of material, spiritual and social benefits that form the welfare. Sociology seen consumption as a social and socio-psychological phenomenon, as a sphere of socialization, formation of social norms, values and culture. Here focus the relationships between people, which is why it attracts the attention of sociologists. The first attempts to develop the theory of consumption we link to several key figures in the social science of XIX-XX centuries. Because the economic situation of the society is constantly changing, understanding and forms of consumption pass into other forms and manifestations. Change the positions of the various population groups in the economic hierarchy influences the formation of consumer behavior at all levels of life in society. Accordingly, in the society there is a need for detailed study and conceptual understanding of the entities, conditions and factors of the formation of this phenomenon, the differentiation of society based on the consumption of material goods in society, the impact on the fabric of society. Studies of consumption, for today, of a practical nature than a theoretical one. That is, sociologists study the consumption for marketing or for analysis of consumption in a particular region or locality. While the study of consumption and consumer behavior at the theoretical level are, missing or they are not well known. Discusses the features of the concepts and the evolution of consumption in the theories of the classical sociologists such as Max Weber, Georg Zimmel, Werner Zombart and Torstein Veblen. As well as in the theories of modern scientists: Jean Baudrillard, Pierre Bourdieu and Stephen Miles. In these theories, the most pronounced understanding of consumption and the construction of a system of consumption in society as a characteristic of these theories of history. Because of these data we can build a system the evolution of consumption and understanding from past to present. We roughly divided periods of study the category of "consumption" on the classical and the modern period. The first period we characterized as social science itself, and the definition of the research field. After analyzing the majority of theories of this period, you can see that they are based on other scientific disciplines (philosophy, biology, physics, Economics and others), but not deepen them. Therefore, the category "consumption" in some sociological theories we can found, but in the beginning, scientists was not call it. The second phase of the study of consumption – the modern period we characterized by the interest of sociologists to the consumption and the emergence of new directions in sociology - the sociology of consumption. To this direction belong not only modern scholars-sociologists, but also by the classics of sociology who came to the position of the theory of consumption.