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- ДокументМатеріали доби пізньої бронзи з поселення Мохнач П(Інститут археології Національної академії наук України, 2019) Корохіна, А. В.; Колода, В. В.Вводяться до наукового обігу матеріали доби пізньої бронзи з поселення Мохнач П на Сіверському Дінці, представлені здебільшого керамікою. Обробка керамічної колекції включає її розподіл у просторі культурного шару, аналіз форм, орнаментації, об’ємів та характеристик формувальних мас. Матеріали віднесено до зрубної спільноти і датовано XVII—ХVІ ст. до н. е. Вводятся в научный оборот материалы эпохи поздней бронзы из поселения Мохнач П на Северском Донце, представленные в основном керамикой. Обработка керамической коллекции включает ее распределение в пространстве культурного слоя, анализ форм, орнаментации, объемов и характеристик формовочных масс. Материалы относятся к срубному сообществу и датировано XVII-XVI вв. до н. е.The article aims to introduce new finds of the Late Bronze Age from Mokhnach П settlement site at the Sіverskyi Donets river. Two archaeological object (pits 27 and 40) can be dated back to the Late Bronze Age. Finds are presented mostly by pottery sherds (31 units) discovered mostly in the excavation pit 1. The research program of the pottery assemblage includes account of its planographic distribution, distribution due to the type of sherds, analysis of shape, ornamentation, size, surface finishing, plastic raw material and paste recipes of vessels. Morphological and ornamentation classifications were built on the basis of the scheme developed on materials of Mosolovka site and the settlements of middle flew of Sіverskyi Donets river. Research of the plastic raw material and paste recipes was conducted using visual microscopic analysis, abridged MGR-analysis and thin-section analysis. Pottery assemblage includes 4 % of the total number of fragments discovered during excavations. Five pottery forms were identified: restricted and unrestricted jars, pot-like vessels, pots and ribbed vessels. Orifice diameters of jars, pot-like vessels and pots vary from 38.0 to 21.5 cm. Ribbed vessels on average are smaller than mentioned types and form to groups by size (with orifice diameters of 25 and 15—16 cm). Three techniques and nine elements of ornamentation were identified. Make-up of both surfaces prevails, fine-toothed comb treatment and coarse-toothed comb treatment of Pokrovka type are also presented. Two pottery fabrics can be distinguished in the assemblage with the naked eye. Five pottery samples were selected for purposes of technological analysis. Observations were conducted using the microscope on cross-cuts and fresh breaks of sherds before and after re-firing. Consequently two groups by features of plastic raw material and two paste recipes were identified. Both paste recipes include grog as an intentional addition. Due to method of the abridged Matrix Group by Refiring (MGR) analysis the samples were re-fired in controlled conditions up to from 1100 to 1200 °C. The results showed the identity of the matrix of all samples — non-calcareous, slightly over-melted (sovM). Their local production is suggested. The thin-section analysis allowed to clarify technological features of the samples with raw material type 1, paste type 1. Analyzed ceramic materials present traditions of the Wood-framed Graves entity. They mark new settlement site of the developed stage of the Wood-framed Graves entity and can be dated back to XVII—XVІ BC. Small size of the ceramic assemblage restricts its informative capacity. The importance of the research lies in testing the program of complex analysis of ceramic assemblages.
- ДокументПетрографічний аналіз кераміки городища Водяне(Інститут археології НАН України, 2020) Корохіна, А. В.; Колода, В. В.Стаття присвячена висвітленню перших результатів петрографічного аналізу керамічних виробів з городища Водяне в Харківській обл. на р. Уди, що представляють старожитності роменської археологічної культури (літописні сіверяни переддержавного часу) й датуються Х — початком ХІ ст. н. е. Отримано дані щодо місцевої традиції приготування формувальних мас та режиму випалу кераміки, виділено зразок припустимо немісцевого виробництва, здійснено спробу пов’язати петрографічні особливості виробів з типологією виробів та безпосередньо фіксованими фізичними характеристиками. The paper highlights first results of petrographic analysis of ceramic artifacts from the Vodyane fortified hillfort from in the Kharkiv region, the Udy River bassin, which represent antiquities of the Romny archaeological culture (annalistic Siveryans) and date up to Х — early ХІ AD (fig. 1). Thirty typologically different samples originating from different archaeological contexts was selected for the analysis (table 1, 2; fig. 2). Petrographic analysis by the method of P. S. Quinn and quantitive (textural) analysis have been conducted. The definition of petrogroups is based upon consideration of qualitative and quantitative composition of natural components and temper. One petrographic group (with two subgroups within) was allocated. Two samples demonstrate specific petrographic features. Group 1 — with grog and organics temper. Two subgroups (1a and 1b) differ by granulometric parameters of clastic material (fig. 3). The raw material could be defined as highly sandy alluvial clay with predominant quartz. Aplastic temper is presented by unsifted grog, up to 50 mm in size, at a concentration of 1 : 4. Organic temper evidence is presented by meso-voids (fig. 4: 1—4; 5—7). Sample 016 — with angular very coarse sand and flint gravel. The raw material is highly sandy clay (clay-with-flint). Sample is distinctive by atypical, comparing to the local tradition, clayey raw material (fig. 4: 5, 6; 8: 1—4). Sample 021 — untempered. The raw material is alluvial clay loam with clastic inclusions up to middle sand fraction (fig. 4: 7, 8; 8: 5—8). Firing temperature of artifacts could be defined within 600—800 ºС. Petrographic characteristics don’t correlate with typology of the artifacts (table 3). Instead connection of subgroups 1a and 1b with colour patterning of fresh breaks could be observed (table 4).