Оркестрове та вокально-хорове мистецтво Слобожанщини : генеза й особливості

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Харківський національний університет мистецтв імені І. П. Котляревського (ХНУМ)
У статті автором порушено питання становлення й розвитку оркестрового та вокально-хорового мистецтва у регіональному контексті, що набуває актуальності в умовах відродження музично- культурних традицій України. Специфіка ґенези оркестрового та вокально- хорового мистецтва на Слобожанщині визначалася наявністю самобутніх демократичних рис культури краю, збереженням оригінальних музично- мистецьких народних звичаїв й церковно-музичних традицій. Розвитку різних форм та видів музичного мистецтва сприяли популярність серед населення краю інструментальної світської музики, активна мистецько- благодійницька діяльність заможних громадян, залучення до концертної діяльності професійних музичних кадрів інших регіонів та підтримка місцевої талановитої молоді тощо. Оркестрове та вокально-хорове мистецтво Слобожанщини відзначалося високим рівнем професіоналізму виконавців, поширеністю, загальнодоступністю й просвітницько-виховною спрямованістю. В статье автором поднят вопрос становления и развития оркестрового и вокально-хорового искусства в региональном контексте, который приобретает актуальность в условиях возрождения музыкально-культурных традиций Украины. Специфика генезиса оркестрового и вокально-хорового искусства на Слобожанщине определялась наличием самобытных демократических черт культуры края, сохранением оригинальных музыкально-художественных народных обычаев и церковно-музыкальных традиций. Развитию различных форм и видов музыкального искусства способствовали популярность среди населения края инструментальной светской музыки, активная художественно- благотворительная деятельность состоятельных граждан, привлечение к концертной деятельности профессиональных музыкальных кадров других регионов и поддержка местной талантливой молодежи и тому подобное. Оркестровое и вокально-хоровое искусство Слобожанщины отмечалось высоким уровнем профессионализма исполнителей, распространенностью, общедоступностью и просветительско-воспитательной направленностью. Summary. Danylyuk M.M. Orchestral and vocal-choral art of Sloboda Ukraine: genesis and features The present article considers the formation and development of the orchestral and vocal-choral art in the regional context. The author emphasizes that the important condition for the successful implementation of the music education tasks at the present stage is not only searching for the new theoretical and practical approaches, but studying, generalization and creative rethinking of the regional historical and pedagogical experience in Sloboda Ukraine. The aim of this process is use pedagogical achievements of the past to approaches’ update for improvement of modern youth music education. The purpose of the present article is to reveal the genesis and specific features of the development process of the orchestral and vocal-choral art in the historical and pedagogical context in Sloboda Ukraine. The object of the study is orchestral and vocal-choral art; the subject – the genesis and specific features of the development process of the orchestral and vocal-choral art in Sloboda Ukraine. The scope of the study covers the formation and development of the orchestral and vocal-choral art in the regional context; study the characteristics of the music art in Sloboda Ukraine in the particular historical period. The analysis of the scientific problem showed that the development of the orchestral and vocal-choral art in Sloboda Ukraine refer to the actual issues of the modern researches that were considered by scientists in the wide pedagogical discourse. In particular, the formation and development of the orchestral and vocal-choral art in the different Ukraine’s regions, and also the training of domestic (national) professionals for musical and pedagogical activity have been the subject of the scientific interest for the following scientists: N. Bovsunivska, T. Hryshchenko, A. Zhelan, M Mario, S. Melnychuka, O. Oleksyuk, A. Omelchenko, T. Smyrnova, T. Tanko, O. Tkachenko, O. Tsvihun, V. Cherkasova, etc. The experience of organization of the musical-aesthetic youth education in the different Ukraine’s educational establishments was considered in the works of the following scientists: T. Lutaieva, I. Martynenko, V. Popova, L. Posokhova, N. Rudichieva, etc. Also, major there is the pre-revolutionary scientific works on the history of education which cover the problem of development of the music art and music education in Sloboda Region (D. Bahalii, I. Bielokonskyi, D. Miller, Ye. Redin, M. Sumtsov, etc). The analysis of the formation and development of the orchestral and vocal- choral art in Sloboda Ukraine gives ground to argue that region under consideration was marked by some specificity of the musical-cultural development which caused by the following ethnocultural features: the culture’s distinctive democratic features of the region, original folk musical-artistically tradition and church music tradition; the interest of the region’s population to the secular instrumental music, the predominance of the philanthropic sentiments among the wealthy population, and also the existence of the intellectuals, creative and active students. Kharkiv was the main cultural and art center of Sloboda Ukraine, and its great location and population orientation on strong manifestation of the public activity in artistic life influenced on the economy and cultural progress in Sloboda Ukraine, and also the specific national-cultural background for the development of the orchestral and vocal-choral art had been created. The appearance of the Kharkiv musical guild (tsekh) in the XVII century, and dissemination of the similar groups in the different regions of Sloboda Ukraine had a remarkable influence on the development of the musical art in the region. Also the landlord's vocal choirs, instrumental orchestras and musical theatres in Ukraine, in particular in Sloboda Ukraine in the middle of the XVIII century had a significant impact on the orchestral and vocal-choral art. The spreading of the concert and musical activity, in particular charity concerts for the general public, in the XIX century in Sloboda Ukraine became the important feature of the development of the orchestral and vocal-choral art. At this time, Sloboda Ukraine had the high level of the musical culture; the solid foundation of which have been formed by the development of the national and Ukrainian music, church choral and solo singing, instrumental chamber and symphonic creativity, musical theatres and orchestras and creative groups in the region. Due to the creative support the students’ choirs took part in lots of musical events, where they performed complex musical composition, which had great success among the population of the region. The public availability and educational character were the specific features of Sloboda Ukraine musical art. The background for the spreading music education in the region was determined by close creative relationships and constant collaboration between the different educational and musical organizations (choirs, orchestras, musical groups, youth organizations etc.). The analysis of the processes of the formation and development of the orchestral and vocal-choral art in Sloboda Ukraine gives reasons for determining the perspective creative use of the past’s experiences in the modern condition, in particular by: the enrichment of the music training content of the future artistic and pedagogical professionals for the formation of the musical culture of the youth according to the region musical tradition; the orientation of the music education in educational establishments on the national artistic-cultural tradition and regional musical-aesthetic achievements; the improvement and development of the new forms and methods for the music education of the children and youth in educational establishments; the increased focus of the scientist and teachers on the culture-educational potential of the orchestral and vocal-choral art.
Ключові слова
ґенеза, оркестрове мистецтво, вокально-хорове мистецтво, Слобожанський регіон, генезис, оркестровое искусство, вокально-хоровое искусство, Слобожанский регион, genesis, orchestral art, vocal-choral art, Sloboda Ukraine
Данилюк М. М. Оркестрове та вокально-хорове мистецтво Слобожанщини : генеза й особливості // Проблеми взаємодії мистецтва, педагогіки та теорії і практики освіти. Когнітивне музикознавство : зб. наук. ст. / Харк. нац. ун-т мистецтв імені І. П. Котляревського ; відп. секр. Л. В. Шаповалова. – Харків : ХНУМ. – 2017. – Вип. 46. – С. 333–349.