Теоретичні і методичні засади професійної підготовки майбутніх соціальних педагогів і соціальних працівників до профілактики дезадаптації учнів

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Харківський національний педагогічний університет імені Г. С. Сковороди
У дисертації розкрито теоретико-методичні засади професійної підготовки майбутніх соціальних педагогів і соціальних працівників до профілактики дезадаптації учнів. З’ясовано суть, зміст та особливості професійної діяльності фахівців соціальної галузі з профілактики дезадаптації учнів у системі різних соціальних інституцій, розкрито можливості їхньої взаємодії. Теоретично обґрунтовано, розроблено та апробовано в освітньому процесі систему професійної підготовки майбутніх соціальних педагогів і соціальних працівників до профілактики дезадаптації учнів, яка складається з моделі та її науково-методичного забезпечення, що за допомогою організації професійно-спрямованого освітнього простору створює умови для формування їхньої готовності до відповідного виду професійної діяльності. This thesis presents a theoretical generalization and a new solution of the problem of professional training of future specialists of the social sphere to prevent maladjustment of pupils. The scientific novelty of the obtained results is that the model of the system of professional training of future specialists of the social sphere (social pedagogues and social workers) for the prevention of maladjustment of pupils in various social institutions, as well as its scientific and methodological support has been developed, which allows creating a professional-oriented educational space in conditions of HEE (Higher Education Establishment) and partner network of social institutions. In the proposed study the theoretical comprehension of the phenomena of "maladjustment of pupils" and "prevention of maladjustment of pupils in the system of various social institutions" was made. The thesis reveals that the professional training of future social pedagogues and social workers to prevent maladjustment of pupils is aimed at the development of an integrated characteristic - the level of their professional readiness for the appropriate kind of activity, which are components of their personal and professional potential. In the thesis, a retrospective analysis of the literature is carried out, which clarifies the variability of methodological positions and, accordingly, reflects not only the very essence of the professional training of future specialists of the social sphere to prevent maladjustment of pupils, but also the many-sided ways of its implementation in Ukraine and abroad. The process of professional training as a combination of educational, research and developmental effects of the micro-environment of HEE and practice-oriented, professional-oriented macro-environment of the partner network of institutions is developed, which promotes gradual professional self-identification and the formation of the personality of future specialists in the field of preparation for the prevention of maladjustment of pupils. A phased selection of ways and means of influencing the personality of a future specialist along the way of his professional formation in the HEE is carried out. The possibilities for a harmonious combination of the influences of various professional microcells are shown, which contributes to the formation of the integral personality of the future specialist of the social sphere, the maximum disclosure and manifestation of his own personal and professional potential. The perspective opportunities in the study of important determinants influencing the harmonization of the professional and personal potential of future social pedagogues and social workers are revealed. The potential development of the determinants of the professional and personal potential of the future specialist of the social sphere, which carries out the prevention of maladjustment of pupils, is predicted on the basis that the integrity of the preventive effect determines the harmonious development of its motivational-value, affective-conative, cognitive-instrumental, professional activity indicators. It is shown that the use of ethno-pedagogical means in educational and extra-judicial work with future social pedagogues and social workers can significantly increase their psychological readiness to prevent the maladjustment of pupils in different socio-cultural centers by acquiring skills of preservation and strengthening of health, protection of personal and family space that is valuable both for a particular individual and for society as a whole. Practical professional preparation for the prevention of maladjustment of pupils in various social institutions is considered as a process of gradual professional self-determination and self-deployment of a person through the harmonization of all of its professional manifestations under the conditions of partner institutions with HEE networks that provide prevention of maladjustment of pupils. It is proved that an important condition for the development of the personal and professional potential of future specialists in the social sphere is a harmonious combination of their research activities with theoretical and practical training in the context of volunteer initiatives based on the network of partner organizations on the HEE network and the activities of the student scientific society. The practical significance of the results is the possibility of their application in the process of creating new models of training future specialists of the social sphere to work with vulnerable contingents; the definition of priority tasks of social education, the development of innovative professional-oriented social programs and projects for the training of future social pedagogues and social workers. The results of scientific research make it possible to introduce a new innovative approach to the process of professional education of specialists of the social sphere as a scientific pedagogical problem and to expand the range of research, the subject of which is the professional training of future social pedagogues and social workers.
Ключові слова
професійна підготовка, соціальні педагоги, соціальні працівники, профілактика дезадаптації, учні, соціальні інституції, professional training, social pedagogues, social workers, prevention of maladjustment, pupils, social institutions
Костіна В. В. Теоретичні і методичні засади професійної підготовки майбутніх соціальних педагогів і соціальних працівників до профілактики дезадаптації учнів : автореф. дис. ... д-ра пед. наук : спец. 13.00.04. – теорія і методика проф. освіти / В. В. Костіна ; Харків. нац. пед. ун-т ім. Г. С. Сковороди. – Харків, 2019. – 42 с.