Теорія і методика професійної підготовки майбутніх учителів початкової школи на засадах порівняльної етнопедагогіки

dc.contributor.authorЮр'єва, К. А.
dc.description.abstractДисертація є теоретико-експериментальним дослідженням проблеми професійної підготовки майбутніх учителів початкової школи на засадах порівняльної етнопедагогіки. У роботі схарактеризовано особливості функціонування освіти в реаліях етнокультурного різноманіття сучасного суспільства та проаналізовано наявний стан готовності вчителів початкової школи до професійної діяльності в таких умовах. Розроблено концепцію порівняльної етнопедагогіки як самостійної субдисципліни в межах педагогічної науки, об’єктом якої є традиційні погляди і досвід виховання в культурах різних етносів, предметом – етнокультурно зумовлена специфіка педагогічних поглядів і практик різних народів. Розкрито мету, закономірності й принципи професійної підготовки на засадах порівняльної етнопедагогіки як формування в майбутніх учителів початкової школи готовності до професійної діяльності в умовах етнокультурного різноманіття сучасного суспільства. Уточнено суть і структуру зазначеної готовності, визначено критерії та показники її сформованості. Розроблено, теоретично обґрунтовано та експериментально перевірено модель формування в майбутніх учителів початкової школи готовності до професійної діяльності в умовах етнокультурного різноманіття сучасного суспільства на засадах порівняльної етнопедагогіки в процесі професійної підготовки, що складається з комплексу субмоделей: концептуальної, структурно-функціональної, організаційної, організаційно-змістової, а також педагогічні умови її реалізації. The work characterizes peculiarities of education functioning in different realias of ethnic-cultural diversity of the modern society characterized by a number of contradictions, among which the main one is the inconformity between the urgent necessities of preparing the young generation of Ukrainians for the life along with efficient work under conditions of a motley globalized social medium in the terms of ethnic-culture and the insufficient level of pedagogues for such work. The concept of comparative ethnic pedagogics as an independent sub-discipline in terms of pedagogical science that studies folk pedagogics and its ethnic cultural specificity of various ethnic groups as multidimensional aspects of life of ethnic communities, connected with out demographic mechanisms of their self-restorability has been developed. The aim has been conceived, the object and the subject of the comparative ethnic pedagogics its origins and sources have been outlined. The grounds of the comparative ethnic pedagogics which became the basis of the development of the future primary school teacher’s professional preparation model have been defined: a) separation of universals in the legacy of folk pedagogics of different ethnic groups, common to all mankind; b) comparative-contrastive acquaintance of future teachers with traditional educational views of and practices of different people, who live in the same time; c) research of genesis of traditional phenomena, peculiar to one and the same people on different stages of its existence; d) the search of ways to apply progressive achievements of folk pedagogics under contemporary conditions. There has been developed a model of future primary school teacher’s vocational training on the grounds of comparative ethnic pedagogics, which is made up of a complex of sub-models: concept, structural-functional, organizational, organizational-contents. The aim of future primary school teacher’s vocational training on the grounds of comparative ethnic pedagogics has been revealed – to form the readiness of future primary school teachers for professional activity in terms of ethnic cultural diversity of the modern society, consistency and principles of this preparation. The essence and the structure of the future primary school teachers’ readiness for professional activity in terms of ethnic diversity of the modern society has been clarified. The researched readiness as an integrated personal new growth provides a teacher with an ability to comprehend and respect cultural diversity of the modern Ukrainian society, evaluate the potential of multicultural social surroundings as a resource for the growth of an individual and a social medium; to provide practical application of educational-teaching and socializing potential of cultural diversity organizationally and methodically. The structural readiness of a future teacher for professional activity in the terms of ethnic-cultural diversity of the modern society is formed by personality-psychological, cognitive and activity components. There have been defined component criteria of the future primary school teachers’ readiness for professional activity in terms of ethnic diversity of the modern society: for personality-psychological component – tolerance for manifestations of other culture, direction towards tolerant interaction with representatives of other ethnic cultures, desire for self-definition in the sphere of intercultural communication, ethnic-cultural direction of a person; for the cognitive component – the knowledge of methodological and theoretic basics, the history of development and the contemporary state of the comparative ethnic pedagogics, main documents, which regulate implementation of education in Ukraine; for procedural-action component – the ability to work with a multicultural group of children and individually – with children-representatives of different ethnic groups, cooperate with multicultural social surroundings, readiness of future teachers for professional activity in the terms of ethnic cultural diversity of the modern society. The indices are detailed for each of the five levels of formation of the given readiness components – pre-professional, primary, satisfactory, sufficient, and advanced. There have been found out and experimentally checked pedagogical conditions of realization of the developed model, to which there have been reffered: 1) constructing the contents of the ethnic-pedagogical preparation on the basis of comparative-contrastive acquaintance of future primary school teachers with cultures of different peoples and their realization in the process of studying the course of comparative ethnic pedagogics and integration into the program of other subjects of the curriculum for preparation of specialists in primary school education, pedagogical practices, extra-school and scientific-research activities of students; 2) selection and realization of a wide range of innovational forms, methods and techniques: interactive, training, gamificational, project, directed on to the complex formation of all readiness components of future primary school teachers for professional activity in the terms of ethnic cultural diversity of the modern society – personal-psychological, cognitive, processional-active; 3) creation of an educational environment for intercultural communication in a pedagogical university, organization of interaction of students, scientists, educationalists, public organizations of national minorities with the aim of researching of educational traditions in different cultures and creative use of folk pedagogical experience in the educational process in the modern educational establishments. The experimental research results analysis has proved efficiency of the revealed pedagogical conditions and made possible the conclusion that the most efficient one is the complex simultaneous realization of all three pedagogical conditions. Key words: a future primary school teacher, professional preparation, comparative ethnic-pedagogical model, sub-model, readiness, professional activity, ethnic cultural diversity, grounds, pedagogical conditions.uk_UA.UTF-8
dc.identifier.citationЮр'єва К. А. Теорія і методика професійної підготовки майбутніх учителів початкової школи на засадах порівняльної етнопедагогіки : автореф. дис. на здобуття наук. ступеня д-ра пед. наук : спец. 13.00.04. – теор. і метод. проф. освіти / К. А. Юр'єва ; ДВНЗ "Донбас. держ. пед. ун-т". – Слов’янськ, 2017. – 42 с.uk_UA.UTF-8
dc.publisherДВНЗ "Донбаський державний педагогічний університет"uk_UA.UTF-8
dc.subjectмайбутній учитель початкової школиuk_UA.UTF-8
dc.subjectпрофесійна підготовкаuk_UA.UTF-8
dc.subjectпорівняльна етнопедагогікаuk_UA.UTF-8
dc.subjectпрофесійна діяльністьuk_UA.UTF-8
dc.subjectетнокультурне різноманіттяuk_UA.UTF-8
dc.subjectпедагогічні умовиuk_UA.UTF-8
dc.subjectfuture primary school teacheruk_UA.UTF-8
dc.subjectprofessional traininguk_UA.UTF-8
dc.subjectcomparative ethnopedagogyuk_UA.UTF-8
dc.subjectprofessional activityuk_UA.UTF-8
dc.subjectethnocultural diversityuk_UA.UTF-8
dc.subjectpedagogical conditionsuk_UA.UTF-8
dc.titleТеорія і методика професійної підготовки майбутніх учителів початкової школи на засадах порівняльної етнопедагогікиuk_UA.UTF-8
dc.title.alternativeTheory and Methods of Future Primary School Teacher's Vocational Training on the Grounds of Comparative Ethnic Pedagogyuk_UA.UTF-8
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